Thursday, June 25, 2009
Toxic Shame Cover Ups, Part 4
Patronizing – To patronize is to support, protect and champion someone who is unequal in benefits, knowledge or power, but who has not asked for your support, protection or championing. It is a way to feel one-up on another person. And whenever a shame bound person can feel “one-up” on someone else, then that is perceived as a good day. It’s a “good day” because the shame bound person gets another chance to dodge the pain of self examination.
Caretaking & Helping – A person with toxic shame feels powerless and helpless. Whenever such a person can alter these feelings by helping and taking care of others, s/he feels good. The goal of the caretaker is the caretaking, not the good of the person cared for. Some experts consider caretaking to be one of the major interpersonal addictions that often gets overlooked.
People Pleasing & Being Nice – People pleasers are often the most compliant and cooperative people on the planet. However, they might also be the most dishonest as well. They say yes when they really mean no. They are compelled to be sacrificial. However, this sacrificial behavior is what Carol Cannon calls, “behavior without choice”. They will smile on the outside and yet be falling apart on the inside. They are terrified at the thought of telling their truth if that truth creates waves. Sometimes people pleasers tell lies even when there is no real threat. Nice people and People pleasers maintain their façade of compliant cooperation in order to manipulate others and avoid any real emotional contact and intimacy. By avoiding intimacy, s/he can ensure that no one will see him/her as s/he truly is.
The Bridge to Recovery helps shame bound people get free from the shackles of their dis-ease. For more information, please give us a call at 877-866-8661 or visit us online at
Monday, June 15, 2009
Common Toxic Shame Cover-Ups: Part 3
Arrogance – In an attempt to hide the shame one might be feeling, an often used cover-up is self inflation. The use of arrogance, or offensively exaggerating one’s own importance, is one way a person can alter his/her shame based mood. By inflating one’s own importance, the user of arrogance feels better than others at the expense of others.
Criticism and Blaming – Criticism and blame are the most common ways that shame is interpersonally transferred. When someone feels put down and humiliated, s/he can reduce this feeling by criticizing and blaming someone else. Once again, the person using these cover ups feels better at the expense of others who may feel lesser than after having been criticized and blamed. Criticism and blame points the finger at someone else. It also diverts the shame bound person from taking personal responsibility for any legitimate character defects in need of removal (See Steps 6 and 7 of the 12 Steps of A.A.). Thus, it may give the shame bound person temporary relief from the pain of their toxic shame, but it is not a lasting way to get the relief one seeks.
Judgmentalism & Moralizing – The shame bound person’s use of judgmentalism and moralizing are ways in which to inject “god” and religion into the cover up process. When the shame bound person condemns others as bad or sinful, it alters his / her own self perception. The righteous feeling of being “one up” on others can lead the shame bound person to use judgmentalism and moralizing again and again. As a result, the shame bound person may be drawn into a religious addiction as a way to cope with the pain that persists beneath the surface of one’s life.
The Bridge to Recovery specializes in treating people who wrestle with feelings of worthlessness and who believe that they will never be good enough. Give us a call and let us help you help yourself. For more information, dial 877-866-8661 or visit us online at
Monday, June 8, 2009
Toxic Shame Cover Ups, Part 2 -- Control and Rage
Today we are going to take a look at two more cover ups people use to deal with the pain inevitably produced by toxic shame. They are controlling maneuvers and rage.
Controlling Maneuvers –For someone who is bound by shame, making him/herself vulnerable opens up the possibility of being shamed all over again. Therefore, control maneuvers are enacted to prevent this from occurring. Controlling Maneuvers can manifest in a variety of ways. Three are discussed here as they pertain to the way that adults might manifest controlling maneuvers in their daily lives.
1.) Power Struggles – If a person devotes excessive amounts of energy toward achieving the demise of legitimate authority figures, that person is more than likely an adult child who was interpersonally shamed by someone in authority. When an adult child fights authority to the bitter end, this is a good indication of having been hurt by someone with power when s/he was young.
2.) Incessant Demanding – When someone fights to have his or her way all the time, this is a clear indication of having been deprived (i.e. – abused, improperly nurtured, neglected) of basic needs as a child. Sometimes the demands are no more than inappropriate ways of trying to convey needs. However, there are also times when the incessant demander has confused needs with wants. The unrelenting stream of demands are nothing more than controlling maneuvers used as a cover up for induced toxic shame.
3.) Bullying – When someone either threatens or uses violence in order to maintain control, this is also a clear indication of having been deeply hurt as a child. This is just an explanation and should not at all be perceived as a legitimate excuse for the use of violence. Bullying tactics should not be tolerated at any age. It is a sign of deep-seated immaturity and maladaptive behavior that is counterproductive to getting needs met.
Rage – Rage is the most naturally occurring cover up for interpersonally induced shame. When a child is repeatedly shamed and does not have the power to protect him/herself through the appropriate and measured use of boundaries, then rage becomes a default emotion for dealing with the shame. However, by the time the child grows up and becomes an adult, the rage is often misdirected toward others who are undeserving of it. Rage keeps others away and thus is viewed by the one who rages as an appropriate cover up for the shame s/he is carrying. However, raging at others can also transfer the unbearable load of toxic shame to the next generation. When used as a cover up, rage becomes a state of being rather than a feeling among other feelings.
The Bridge to Recovery is a place where people can unload toxic shame and pick up more useful tools for living life to the fullest. For more information, give us a call at 877-866-8661 or visit us online at
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Toxic Shame Cover Ups, Part 1 -- Perfectionism
Because there is ignorance regarding how much is enough, there is a tendency for the perfectionist to either over or under function. Overfunctioning behaviors push the perfectionist toward achieving the unobtainable. Overfunctioning is something that feels good for a season but then can lead to burnout and severe bouts with disappointment and depression. Underfunctioning behaviors are the result of being frustrated in one’s attempts to be perfect. Typically, underfunctioning is the equal and opposite reaction to overfunctioning. It’s the swinging of the pendulum from one extreme to the other. That is, after the overfunctioning behaviors no longer produce the desired results, it will lead toward underfunctioning behaviors.
Some experts tell us that compulsive perfectionistic behaviors in a person’s life are a predictable sign that s/he was severely hurt on some level while growing up. Perfectionism may be an attempt to repair one’s damaged integrity or to portray to the world that one has it “all together”. However perfectionism manifests, it can make life complicated. The Bridge to Recovery is a residential treatment program that helps people find relief from the tyranny of perfection. For more information about our program, give us a call at 877-866-8661 or visit us online at